

Interfaces related to catalogs.

interface nti.zope_catalog.interfaces.INoAutoIndexEver[source]

Extends: zope.catalog.interfaces.INoAutoIndex, zope.catalog.interfaces.INoAutoReindex

Marker interface for objects that should not automatically be added to catalogs when created or modified events fire.

interface nti.zope_catalog.interfaces.IDeferredCatalog[source]

Extends: zope.catalog.interfaces.ICatalogQuery, zope.catalog.interfaces.ICatalogEdit, zope.container.interfaces.IContainer

Just like ICatalog, but a distinct interface to be able to distinguish it at runtime, typically in event subscribers.

The use-case is for certain catalogs that want to defer indexing (sometimes to a separate process). Implement this interface instead of ICatalog so that the subscribers zope.catalog.catalog.indexDocSubscriber(), zope.catalog.catalog.unindexDocSubscriber(), and zope.catalog.catalog.reindexDocSubscriber() do not find and use this object.

To search, you’ll want to look for ICatalogQuery which is implemented by both ICatalog and this object.

To find every utility that can support indexing, you can look for zope.index.interfaces.IInjection which is also implemented by both interfaces.

As a base, instead of extending Catalog, you can extend DeferredCatalog.

New in version 2.0.0.

__setitem__(key, value)

Backwards compatibility alias.

alias of nti.zope_catalog.interfaces.IDeferredCatalog

nti.zope_catalog.interfaces.__setitem__(key, value)


Catalog extensions.

class nti.zope_catalog.catalog.ResultSet(uids, uidutil, ignore_invalid=False)[source]

Bases: object

Lazily accessed set of objects.

This is just like zope.catalog.catalog.ResultSet except it is slower (it has more overhead) and it offers the dubious feature of ignoring broken objects (which is a footgun if ever there was). If you have such objects, your code or deployment is broken.

Prefer not to use this class in normal operations (it might be useful for recovery, but even that’s doubtful since it doesn’t track which objects were “invalid”).


How many objects are there?

In a proper database, this should be identical to the len() of this object. This is only different if the database is corrupt and needs fixed. If you see this, this is a strong signal that your code is broken.

class nti.zope_catalog.catalog.CatalogPrefetchIterator(iterable, chunk_size)[source]

Bases: object

Given an iterator of (intid, object):

  • Breaks the iterator into chunks of a given size;
  • Detects any persistent objects in the chunk connected to a jar (this is done by checking for a _p_jar);
  • Groups those objects by jar if needed (supporting multiple databases, because ZODB 5 currently does not correctly do this);
  • Asks each jar to prefetch the given objects.
  • Finally, iterates over the chunk.

This object is intended to be used with the _visitSublocations method of a catalog, but may be useful in other cases.

For example, one could enhance a standard zope.catalog.catalog.ResultSet like so (note this won’t work for the ResultSet defined here):

from zope.catalog.catalog import ResultSet
class PrefetchedResultSet(ResultSet, object):
    def __iter__(self):
        iterable = (uid, self.uidutil.getObject(uid) for uid in self.uids)
        for _, obj in CatalogPrefetchIterator(iterable, 512):
            yield obj

New in version 3.0.

class nti.zope_catalog.catalog.Catalog(family=None)[source]

Bases: zope.catalog.catalog.Catalog

An extended catalog. Features include:

  • When manually calling updateIndex() or updateIndexes(), objects that provide nti.zope_catalog.interfaces.INoAutoIndex are ignored. Note that if you have previously indexed objects that now provide this (i.e., class definition has changed) you need to clear() the catalog first for this to be effective.
  • Updating indexes can optionally ignore certain errors related to persistence POSKeyErrors. Note that updating a single index does this by default (since it is usually called from the IObjectAdded event handler) but updating all indexes does not since it is usually called by hand.
updateIndex(index, ignore_persistence_exceptions=True)[source]

Update a single index.


Update all indexes in this catalog.

class nti.zope_catalog.catalog.DeferredCatalog(family=None)[source]

Bases: nti.zope_catalog.catalog.Catalog

An implementation of nti.zope_catalog.interfaces.IDeferredCatalog.


There are several helpers for indexes that normalize values.

Mixin base classes.

class nti.zope_catalog.mixin.AbstractNormalizerMixin[source]

Bases: object

Base class for normalizing values. All methods are directed to value() by default; for more specific behaviour, override the corresponding method.


Normalize the given value for an arbitrary query.


Support efficiently storing datetime values in an index, normalized.

class nti.zope_catalog.datetime.TimestampNormalizer(resolution=2)[source]

Bases: persistent.Persistent, nti.zope_catalog.mixin.AbstractNormalizerMixin

Normalizes incoming Unix timestamps (or datetimes) to have a set resolution, by default minutes.


Constant for normalizing to days.


Constant for normalizing to hours.


Constant for normalizing to minutes.


Constant for normalizing to seconds.


Constant for normalizing to microseconds.


Normalize to a floating point value.

Changed in version 1.0.0: Incoming datetimes are also normalized.

class nti.zope_catalog.datetime.TimestampTo64BitIntNormalizer(resolution=2)[source]

Bases: nti.zope_catalog.datetime.TimestampNormalizer

Normalizes incoming Unix timestamps to have a set resolution, by default minutes, and then converts them to integers that can be stored in an IntegerAttributeIndex.

Changed in version 2.0.0: Now subclass TimestampNormalizer and rework some internal attributes.

Changed in version 2.0.0: Rename from TimestampToNormalized64BitIntNormalizer to TimestampTo64BitIntNormalizer. Previously, FloatTo64BitIntNormalizer was imported under this name.


Normalize to a floating point value.

Changed in version 1.0.0: Incoming datetimes are also normalized.


Backwards compatibility alias.

alias of nti.zope_catalog.datetime.TimestampTo64BitIntNormalizer


Normalization of numbers.

class nti.zope_catalog.number.FloatTo64BitIntNormalizer[source]

Bases: nti.zope_catalog.mixin.AbstractNormalizerMixin

Normalizes incoming floating point objects to 64-bit integers.

Use this with a zc.catalog.catalogindex.NormalizationWrapper. Note that when you do so, the values returned by a method like zc.catalog.interfaces.IIndexValues() will be integer representations, not floating point timestamps.


Normalize the given value for an arbitrary query.

class nti.zope_catalog.number.PersistentFloatTo64BitIntNormalizer[source]

Bases: persistent.Persistent, nti.zope_catalog.number.FloatTo64BitIntNormalizer

Persistent normalizer that can be stored in an nti.zodb_catalog.field.IntegerAttributeIndex.

Changed in version 2.0.0: Now subclasses FloatTo64BitIntNormalizer.

Changed in version 2.0.0: Rename from FloatToNormalized64BitIntNormalizer to PersistentFloatTo64BitIntNormalizer.


Backwards compatibility alias.

alias of nti.zope_catalog.number.PersistentFloatTo64BitIntNormalizer


Helpers for indexing strings.

class nti.zope_catalog.string.StringTokenNormalizer[source]

Bases: nti.zope_catalog.mixin.AbstractNormalizerMixin

A normalizer for strings that are treated like tokens: strings are lower-cased and guaranteed to be unicode and leading and trailing spaces are removed.

This object accepts byte strings and decodes them using UTF-8.


Normalize the given value for an arbitrary query.


A number of different kinds of indexes are offered.


Support for working with zope.catalog.field indexes.

All of the indexes we define are compatible with both zope.catalog query syntax (and internal attributes) and zc.catalog syntax (and public attributes).

class nti.zope_catalog.index.NormalizingFieldIndex(family=None)[source]

Bases: nti.zope_catalog.index._ZipMixin, zope.index.field.index.FieldIndex, zope.container.contained.Contained

A field index that normalizes before indexing or searching.


For more flexibility, use a NormalizationWrapper.


Subclasses must override this method.

index_doc(docid, value)[source]

See interface IInjection

class nti.zope_catalog.index.CaseInsensitiveAttributeFieldIndex(field_name=None, interface=None, field_callable=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: zope.catalog.attribute.AttributeIndex, nti.zope_catalog.index.NormalizingFieldIndex

An attribute index that normalizes case. It is queried with a two-tuple giving the min and max values.


Subclasses must override this method.

class nti.zope_catalog.index.ValueIndex(family=None)[source]

Bases: nti.zope_catalog.index._ZCApplyMixin, nti.zope_catalog.index._ZCAbstractIndexMixin, nti.zope_catalog.index._ZipMixin, zc.catalog.index.ValueIndex

An index of raw values.

class nti.zope_catalog.index.AttributeValueIndex(field_name=None, interface=None, field_callable=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: nti.zope_catalog.index.ValueIndex, zc.catalog.catalogindex.ValueIndex

An index of values stored in a particular attribute.

class nti.zope_catalog.index.SetIndex(family=None)[source]

Bases: nti.zope_catalog.index._ZCAbstractIndexMixin, nti.zope_catalog.index._SetZipMixin, zc.catalog.index.SetIndex

An index of values that are multiple.

class nti.zope_catalog.index.AttributeSetIndex(field_name=None, interface=None, field_callable=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: nti.zope_catalog.index.SetIndex, zc.catalog.catalogindex.SetIndex

An index of values that are multiple and stored in an attribute.

class nti.zope_catalog.index.IntegerValueIndex(family=None)[source]

Bases: nti.zope_catalog.index._ZCApplyMixin, nti.zope_catalog.index._ZCAbstractIndexMixin, nti.zope_catalog.index._ZipMixin, zc.catalog.index.ValueIndex

A “raw” index that is optimized for, and only supports, storing integer values. To normalize, use a zc.catalog.index.NormalizationWrapper; to store in a catalog and normalize, use a NormalizationWrapper (which is an attribute index).

class nti.zope_catalog.index.IntegerAttributeIndex(field_name=None, interface=None, field_callable=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: nti.zope_catalog.index.IntegerValueIndex, zc.catalog.catalogindex.ValueIndex

An attribute index that is optimized for, and only supports, storing integer values. To normalize, use a zc.catalog.index.NormalizationWrapper; note that because zc.catalog.catalogindex.NormalizationWrapper is also an attribute index it cannot be used to wrap this class, and your normalizer will have to return an object that has the right attribute.

class nti.zope_catalog.index.NormalizingKeywordIndex(family=None)[source]

Bases: nti.zope_catalog.index._SetZipMixin, zope.index.keyword.index.CaseInsensitiveKeywordIndex, zope.container.contained.Contained

A case-insensitive keyword index supporting traditional queries as well as extent-based queries.

class nti.zope_catalog.index.AttributeKeywordIndex(field_name=None, interface=None, field_callable=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: zope.catalog.attribute.AttributeIndex, nti.zope_catalog.index.NormalizingKeywordIndex

An index for keywords stored in an attribute.

class nti.zope_catalog.index.NormalizationWrapper(field_name=None, interface=None, field_callable=False, index=None, normalizer=None, is_collection=False)[source]

Bases: nti.zope_catalog.index._ZCApplyMixin, zc.catalog.catalogindex.NormalizationWrapper

An attribute index that wraps a raw index and normalizes values.

This class exists mainly to sort out the difficulty constructing instances by only accepting keyword arguments.

You should only call this constructor with keyword arguments; due to inheritance, mixing and matching keyword and non-keyword is a bad idea. The first three arguments that are not keyword are taken as field_name, interface and field_callable.

nti.zope_catalog.index.stemmer_lexicon(lang='english', stopwords=True)[source]

A lexicon for text indexes using zc.catalog.

class nti.zope_catalog.index.AttributeTextIndex(field_name=None, interface=None, field_callable=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: zope.catalog.text.TextIndex

A 64-bit text index.


index = AttributeTextIndex('field',
family = <BTree family using 64 bits. Supports signed integer values from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 and maximum unsigned integer value 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.>

We default to 64-bit btrees.


Support for writing topic indexes and the filtered sets that go with them.

class nti.zope_catalog.topic.TopicIndex(family=None)[source]

Bases: zope.index.topic.index.TopicIndex, zope.container.contained.Contained

A topic index that implements IContained and ICatalogIndex for use with catalog indexes.

To summarize, a topic index is a way to divide objects into a set of groups (aka topics). The groups are determined by the contents of this object, which are called filters. Each filter is conceptually like a mini-index itself, but in practice most of them are simply used to store group membership when some criteria are met; for that purpose the ExtentFilteredSet is ideal.

family = <BTree family using 64 bits. Supports signed integer values from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 and maximum unsigned integer value 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.>

We default to 64-bit btrees.


Queries this index and returns the set of matching docids.

The query can be in one of several formats:

  • A single string or a list of strings. In that case, docids that are in all the given topics (by id) are returned. This is equivalent to zc.catalog-style all_of operator.
  • A mapping containing exactly two keys, operator and query. The value for operator is either and or or to specify intersection or union, respectively. The value for query is again a string or list of strings.
  • A dictionary containing exactly one key, either any_of or all_of, whose value is the string or list of string topic IDs.
class nti.zope_catalog.topic.ExtentFilteredSet(fid, expr, family=None)[source]

Bases: zope.index.topic.filter.FilteredSetBase

A filtered set that uses an zc.catalog.interfaces.IExtent to store document IDs; this can make for faster, easier querying of other indexes.

Create a new filtered extent.


A callable object of three parameters: this object, the docid, and the document. This will be available as the value of getExpression(). If you pass None, you can override getExpression yourself.


This is often a persistent object, so if you pass a filter, it must be picklable. In general and for the most flexibility, instead of passing something like IFoo.providedBy, instead pass a global (function) object in your own module.

family = <BTree family using 64 bits. Supports signed integer values from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 and maximum unsigned integer value 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.>

We default to 64-bit btrees


Returns the zc.catalog.interfaces.IFilterExtent used. This is always consistent with the return value of getIds().